Getting Acquainted
Click on the link at the bottom of this page to schedule your complimentary introductory meeting.
Our Meeting Process:
Step 1 — Introductory Meeting
The meeting is free, but worth your time. You’ll leave with valuable financial planning information and all of the money you came in with.
Step 2 — Submit Documents
If we decide to move forward, you will submit the requested Financial Documents for Analysis (Investment Account Statements, Tax Returns, etc).
Step 3 — Analysis Meeting
We will discuss the results and recommendations of your preliminary Financial Plan Analysis. This meeting is also free, and you will leave with ZERO pressure. Time-Share not included!
Step 4 — Decision
Sleep on it, maybe dream about it! Ultimately, you decide what is best for you and your goals. If we decide to move forward we begin our better planning onboarding process.
Assets Under Management Fees: $400k-$1M - 1.25%; $1M-$3M - 1.00%; $3M - $5M - 0.75%; >$5M - 0.50%
Financial plan only — Starting at $4000 Individual/$5000 Couple
Click the meeting button below to make it happen!
I look forward to meeting you.

Have more questions?
Click the "Get In Touch" Button below to e-mail me